Saturday, June 19, 2010

What's not to like?

What's not to like about roses? Well, the Japanese beetles, maybe. But in the Spring, this climber (which blooms in lesser amounts throughout the Summer and Fall) scents the air so sweetly. Roses give an instant "English Cottage" look to any spot where they reside.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I always hated mowing here

Mowing a sloping lawn area is a pain -- and there are plenty of gardening solutions out there, from ivy and vinca (shudder) to wall with back fill and more. But please, pick an idea and apply it.... ALL THE WAY. Now it's simply harder to mow here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Honey, I'm Home!

What a nice, sustainable, comfortable home to create for the precious honey bees...
great to do for a mini-farm. and I bet the clover smells good on a hot summer day, too! As the cold March winds blow, it's nice to be thinking about what to do in our gardens this summer.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Winter in Pennsylvania -- even without snow -- is beautiful (yeah, I know you don't believe me).
The PA countryside is composed of soft earthy yellow and pale greens of the buds ready for next Spring; dark umber and sienna verticals of the bare trees creating patterns against the ocher and clay red of the resting winter fields; and then there's the color: WHITE!! And we've had plenty of it so far. As a cross country skier, I've now got plenty of hours logged on my skis- enjoying the soft curves and minor hills in Valley Forge National Park.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Currier and Ives come to Life

The right tree for the situation (damp zone = willow!) made for a classic compositon first imortalized by the Victorian printmakers.